Saturday, September 28, 2013

Ten Stock was Great

1-303 was represented well at Ten Stock on Saturday. My son, Jack, and I had the pleasure of seeing Evan, Jackson Felix, and a host of past 1-303ers. We had a great time in the schoolyard.

Friday, September 27, 2013

September Birtrhdays...Rachel, Aedan, and Susana

We had three birthdays in a week, and everybody celebrated with us. Happy birthday to our classmates.

Something's FISHY in 1-303!

Our new class pets are settling in to their new digs. Thanks to Chloe Nebel's family, we are the proud "parents" of 5 fish. We'll name them next week. More to come...

The Book Baggie Low Down

Please remember that book baggies must be returned to school every day. We need them for reader's workshop. Thanks, CB

Yellow...If You Have It...Wear IT?

Yellow is so easy to see, especially when you're walking with 27 1st graders.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Puppetworks Field Trip Tomorrow! 
Don't forget to send the kids in their yellow PS-10 T-shirts.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Curriculum Day / Night Tomorrow and Wed. PM

Just a reminder that tomorrow morning @ 8:40 am is Meet the Teacher Day. If you are unable to attend on Tuesday AM, you may come to the Wednesday 6 :00 pm session. All those burning Q's are sure to be raised and answered. I hope to see everyone. Thanks- CB

Monday, September 16, 2013

Birthday Celebrations in 1-303

I am more than happy to celebrate birthdays in our room. Ideally, the best time is late in the school day, except for Monday. Monday we have gym last period. Please contact me a week or so ahead of time so that we can plan. Our first celebration (Aedan's) will take place this Friday afternoon. Happy birthday!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Our First Trip will be to Puppetworks on September 27th, for Alladin

Great news...our first class trip will take place on Friday September 27th. We'll walk over to Puppetworks to see their version of "Alladin." The show begins at 12 or 12:30. I'll confirm with everyone on Monday. Permission forms will be sent home next week. I believe the bargain price for September is $4.50 per child. Again...I'll confirm all info. next week. Save the date though...Friday September 27th. It should be great.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Gym Reminder...please dress for gym on Monday and Wednesday.

Please have your child dress for comfort, especially on GYM days, Monday and Wednesday. Our gym teacher, Ms. Notias, has noticed some children not wearing comfortable shoes for gym. Thanks, CB

Shared Reading- September, Chicken Soup with Rice

During shared reading we look at chunks, blends, rhyming words, capital letters, silent e's, and interesting new words. This week we have been reading "September," from Chicken Soup with Rice, by Maurice Sendak. We will be reading that month's poem every 1st day of the month. In September for a while I will ride a crocodile down the chicken soupy Nile. Paddle once, paddle twice, paddle chicken soup with rice.

THANK YOU for the supplies. We are SET for the year.

I'd like to thank all of you for your generosity with the classroom supplies. Our supply closet is bursting. We will use all of the supplies during the school year. Thanks again. Class 1-303

9/11 on our Minds...Maybe a Chat?

This morning at PS 10 our Parent Coordinator, Ms. Seide, asked the entire school to have a moment of silence in honor of the September 11th attacks. This announcement was made over the PA system. This stirred some curiosity amongst our children in 303. Questions followed the announcement. I talked about the attacks briefly with the children. I did say that people "died." The 9/11 anniversary will be on the news today. Please speak with your children tonight (if you feel it necessary) to gauge their reactions to today's discussion.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Twitter Info.

I like the idea of making a more transparent classroom by using Twitter at various times of the school day. When the time is right, and if I notice a "moment," I will take a picture and post it to Twitter. My twitter address is @Mr_CliffB. I'm not really a Twitter(er) yet. Bare with me.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Out of Classroom Classes

Hey all- I just got our schedule for the year. The children will have the following "cluster" classes. Mon.- Gym (Ms. Notias), Tues. Science (Ms. Thill), Wed. Gym (Ms. Notias), Thurs. Art (Ms. Treinen), and Fri. Computer (Mr. Waisome) AND Art (Mr. Ellis). Ciao