Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Home Fun 1/28/2014

Reading: Before and After Dr. King- Please read the take me home copy with someone at home. Be ready to discuss the ways that our country is different since Dr. King's work. Also, please do the short activity on the back. Word Study: Jumble Fun- "Is it a Fish?"- Unscramble the letters to spell our 5 new words from "Is it a Fish?" Please attach to your next blank WS NB page. Reading: Nightly Reading and LOG Math: What Numbers are Missing? Pg. 49, Unit 3. Session 4.7 See ya. CB

Washington, DC! 

Class 1-303 is gearing up to head to the nation's capital in May. But we need a lot of help to get there. We are still in need of a parent to take the lead with charter busses and we only have a handful of forms filled out for the White House tour. Please get the Excel sheets to Holly by Friday. If you are uncomfortable e-mailing your info, feel free to put it all in a sealed envelope in your child's folder labeled "For Holly, Theo's mom."

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tonight's Home Fun 1/21/14

Hey guys...sorry late, but better late than....well, you get it. I had to get someone who was stuck, home. Reading: The Big Bears- Outline your words as you read. Word Study: Word Search Puzzle- Find our 5 new words. Discuss: How did we measure the "AREA" of your traced shoe? See ya tomorrow....MAYBE!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Welcome Back!

Just a reminder to everyone that we need parents to volunteer for both Parent Fun Fridays and Folder-stuffing. If you're having any trouble with the Google docs, just let Holly or Colleen know. Happy New Year!