Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Home Fun 12/3/2013 & TRIP INFO***********************************************

Word Study: Jumble Fun- Unscramble the letters to spell our 5 new words from "Time for Bed, Little Bear." This sheet goes in your WS NB. Word Work: er, or, ar, ir - Read each word on the page and decide which would make a word; er, ar, or, ir. Digraph Fun: Read through your take me home copy of "Time for Bed, Little Bear," and circle all the DIGRAPHS that you see. DIGRAPHS are ch, th, ck, wh. Reading: 15-20 mins. THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY TRIP IS TOMORROW. PLEASE LEAVE YOUR BOOKS AT HOME TOMORROW. PLEASE COME TO SCHOOL WITH ONLY YOUR LUNCH. I'D LIKE TO LEAVE RIGHT FROM LINEUP. TOMORROW'S TRIP IS A TRAIN TRIP. PARENTS ARE WELCOME. WE WILL LEAVE BETWEEN 9 and 9:15.

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